Thanks to a survey that was recently done by we know that more than half of homebuyers who have bought homes for sale in Bend, and across the United States, have some type of regret or remorse about the home that they purchased and sadly, those homeowners can’t go back in time and change their buying decisions but, you can learn from their mistakes by knowing the statistics.
Top New Homeowner Regret
What’s interesting about the top new homeowner regret is that the majority of new homeowners that were recently surveyed by reported that their top regret was not buying a bigger home.
Besides those homeowners who regretted not buying bigger homes, the next major regret by new homeowners was not doing any redecorating immediately after they purchased their homes.
Communication Does Make a Difference
Overall, more than 50% of new homeowners surveyed by reported some type of regret and these homeowners could have avoided heartbreak and disappointment simply by communicating to their Realtors what they really wanted in a home, from the very beginning, and not compromising on a home, even if the homes their Realtor showed them homes that had most of their requirements.
Step Back and Go Slow
There are still homes for sale in Bend but thanks to more buyer than in previous years there is a huge demand for homes but, that doesn’t mean that a home buyer won’t be able to buy the home of their dreams if they take the time tour every home in the area that matches their criteria and follow these steps:
- Consider moving just outside of town – Even though most people, who are reviewing homes for sale in Bend, want to live in Bend, they can still find great homes for sale, just 10 or 20 minutes away from Bend; especially homes that offer more amenities and square footage.
- Must haves vs. should haves – Every home buyer has a list of must haves but the reality is that those must haves can be added to a home later, with a little remodeling, every homebuyer must be able to look at a home with an open mind and see it like an open canvas, regardless if the home has shag carpet or design features that make it not immediately attractive to the home buyer.
To learn more about homes for sale in Bend Oregon, contact me today for a free Real Estate consultation by calling: (541) 383-1426.